Monday, March 7, 2011

The Season of Lent is upon us

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 marks the beginning of Lent for this year. Lent is a period of preparation and consecration for all of Christendom. During this 40-day period (March 9-April 23: excluding Sundays), we engage in a time of fasting and prayer, of self-denial and sacrifice in hopes of strengthening our relationship with the God of our salvation.

The 40 days are representative of the time period that Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and praying while being tempted by Satan. This time in the wilderness occurred prior to his public ministry. Before engaging in ministry, Jesus went through a period of fasting and prayer. Jesus went through a period in which he went into solitude to be with God and eliminated those things that were hindering him from being closer to God. Jesus throughout his ministry found time to get away from everyone and spend time with God. Before we embark on journeys in life it important that we pull ourselves from the things that distract us from hearing God. In order to gain clarity and insight on our life's journey, it is important that we engage in periods of fasting and prayer.

The period of Lent is not a competition. It's not about "who can out fast who." This period of fasting and prayer is between us and God. We do not have to advertise that we are participating in Lent or that we are fasting. We don't have to share with the world what we are giving up. This is about us and God.

And give up something that is going to actually to be a struggle for you. The point of fasting is removing those things that we feel we can't "live without" and replace those things with the One we can't "live without." Jesus fasted from food and water, two things we need to live, but that was replaced with God. For us is may be fried food, candy, fast food, etc. For some it may be twitter, facebook, television, etc. For others it may be alcohol, sex, clubbing, etc. What we must do is search within ourselves and be honest with ourselves and ask "What is it that is hindering me from getting closer to God? What is it that is preventing from hearing the voice of God"

In the next post, I will provide a weekly scripture and prayer itinerary that my church provided for us. We can use this as a guide to help us during this period.

I will be in much prayer for all us during this period. God Bless.

This is Minister Mike, and I want you to Consider This...

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